Monday, January 3, 2011

Where It All Began

When we first began our journey, it was without most of the knowledge we have now, on the subject of self sufficiency, or getting off the grid.  We knew about the “New Shelter” magazine which was the forerunner to Mother Earth News.

We found ourselves, in the 80s,  being  homeowners  and on a tight budget.  No room for error here.  I became a stay at home Mom with the birth of our first son.  Now we were living on  a smaller income  and had another child to think of.  We decided that it would help to begin a garden. 
Our house had a small greenhouse attached to the east side of the house and it faced south.  I began to putter in there, starting seeds and reading up on some  Rodale  Organic Gardening books in the library.  I don’t know, something just clicked I suppose and I became a huge fan.  I don’t even remember which book impacted me so, but I guarantee that any book you can get your hands on from them will enlighten and enrich you.  And your dirt too ;)
There are many reasons why we should grow our own food, cut our monthly expenses, do more things for ourselves and get out of debt.  But you have to agree with me that the future of our economic situation has a BIG question mark beside it.  Why gamble with your future?  Do you have even a small piece of land?  Do you have a flower bed you can turn into an herb garden or a veggie bed?  It starts somewhere.  Creating a plan would be a good first step.


  1. I never new all that about you. Thanks for sharing, I feel like I know you better. You have been doing this way longer then me.


  2. I wish we could have gotten further with it all, but at least we've been certain about where we are headed! lol.

  3. Oh so true :-) It's been a year since I last posted, my latest explains all, so please stop by. SWDx

  4. I totally agree. I am very interested in self-sustainability. I will keep adding garden beds until I run out of yard :)
