Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Our Journey

Looking back over the years, starting from the time we first realized we longed for a very different lifestyle until now, the small advances and the failures, one thing became clear.  There was not enough time in the day to do what had to be done in order to achieve our goal.

For one thing, our home is not set up for it and it is too small. Storage is an issue for both necessary kitchen tools and processed food.  For instance, I had to eliminate 2 drawers to make a place to keep the pressure canner.  My lids and rings are in containers under the kitchen table.  This is just one of many similar problems.

So, the decision was made for me to work 25 hours a week so I can have time to organize our home for this lifestyle change, micro plan the garden (because of small space), care for the animals, cooking, canning and food dehydrating and storing!  

Opting for an organic lifestyle means taking on a lot more work.  I want to love the lifestyle and not resent it.  Time is now more valuable to me than money. Quitting my 10 - 12 hour a day job was our first serious move in the direction of the homestead.  A scary one too.  We cut our income by a little more than a third.  (Great Big Ouch!)

We are learning to adjust financially and have created a book to monitor what we owe, own, spend, save and give.  I think I will call it our Homestead Book. Eventually that is what it will be.  Full of information regarding our animals ~ the feed we purchase and where we get it from, how much it costs and what we can grow to supplement.  Future plans as well as our income information and bills, expenses.  We mess up a bit but we are getting there.  Also, the journey is fun.

I'm thankful for all I am learning and doing and the people I am meeting.  It's just all around good stuff ;).  Not one itty bitty regret.

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