Monday, August 11, 2014


Okay now, this won't be pretty so don't be expecting a lot.  I should have taken more "before" pictures and then you would see what I had to dig out.  I still have 2 paths of patio stones to dig and then the long path to the pond of creek bed rock.

I'll take those ones tomorrow.  Okay, first picture is the cucumber beds.
The garden is terraced, having 2 beds on each level.  It's hard to tell but the two on the right are higher up. Those white poles are left from what my husband did last year to protect our plants from the chickens.  He had chicken wire wrapped around them. Me, being 4' 10" short, couldn't handle disassembling them every time I needed to work in them so I didn't do much gardening.
This year I've been making cages to go on top and I'll put plastic over them to stretch the season a bit.

This is about the center of the garden with the two beds on the right the second level and the two on the left the bottom level.
The 2 cages there are what I built. They aren't sitting level because hubbies poles are stuck in there. They will be removed.
The very leafy bed on right are acorn squash!  Yum.  I stuck a few swiss chard plants in there too because I didn't want to let them die.  The kale and swiss chard bed is on the left.
The weed patch in the front center is for the toads :)

Tomatoes are my not-so-early-girls. Weather did an about face and we had frost in June.  Most of what I started out with died or got stunted. My Romas haven't begun to ripen yet either.  These are up on the deck with my zucchini.
My poor neglected pond.  It used to have a waterfall and clear water.  The fish and toads are thriving though.  I know the toads are loving the privacy the weeds give them :)

These are Boston Pickling cucumbers.  They should be picked at the smallest size for slicers.  The 3 larger ones will be pickles.
Another victim of neglect.  We used to sit out there at night.  There were chairs and a table.  A yellow light mounted on the post.  We had solar lights scattered in the garden that gave it a beautiful dim glow.  I used to grow blue morning glories up the bird house pole and scarlet runner beans up the garden arch.  Angel trumpet vines up behind the pond in a bed where our oil tank is burried.  We had a lot of hummingbirds.
Husband took everything out of the garage to clean it out.  A neighborhood clean up day is coming up in a week so we can get rid of it.  The wood is for a project and will go back in the garage.  Always so much to do.

This is Bertha the heirloom Prudens tomato.  Sharing a bed with her are Danvers carrots.  I planted them last week in hopes they will have enough warm weather to grow.  Their flavor is improved with cold weather so if we can get them grown enough until then I'll be soooo happy!  The chicken wire laid out over the bed is so the chickens don't peck and scratch all over it.  A new coop and run is being built for them.

So tomorrow I'll get more pictures!  We have brand new baby chicks!  Yay! Pictures soon.


  1. Oh my word I love this post!!!! You gave me some really great Idea's !!!

  2. Hi Tessie! Thank you! I'm happy you got something from it. Every year is so different here. I'm struggling with lack of sunlight now in this raised bed garden. We built a rain gutter garden that we saw on youtube but it's ugly. It was very productive though so we'll continue to use it and improve on it. We can't remove all of the trees so eventually the raised beds will be limited to growing very early veggies when there are no leaves on the trees.
